Carl Meek & James Lovett - Build Diary for Westfield


October 11 2007 - Registered!
The car is road legal!  Paperwork came through today and it has been given the plate GX07 OLV.  Not a 57 plate probably because of a date i wrote on the form for when i ordered the kit i should think.

Took the car on its maiden legal voyage down to Brighton, scared a few people by taking them for a ride, and put 50 miles or so on the clock.  Its running like a dream, and it is SO fast.  Rich said "you can't really describe how fast it is, you have to experience it".

Saturday is the suspension setup, so the car is going to stay in Brighton until then.

I've ordered some numberplates, a self-adhesive one for the front and a bike one for the back, just need to get a nice light for the back one.

Meanwhile i'm hunting around for the first track day.... watch this space...