Carl Meek & James Lovett - Build Diary for Westfield
Quick Couple of Hours...


August 8 2007 - Quick Couple of Hours...
I wasn't really supposed to be at the garage today, but couldn't resist the urge, so ended up getting there for 7pm and working until 9:30 with James.

James' friend Marcus has offered to weld a slot into our dry sump tank, so first task is to get the tank out of the car! Unfortunately this means draining the oil, but at least that will give us a chance to replace all the pipes on the dry sump and try to diagnose the leak down there. Having got the tank out, we measured up where the ARB crosses the tank and marked it with a big black marker. Over to Marcus to see what magic he can work with his TIG welder!

Having got the tank out of the way, we proceeded to fit the front anti-roll bar. It was a ridiculous puzzle threading it into the car which is now a mass of wires, pipes and stuff... but we got it in eventually. The brake pipes needed serious bending to get them out of the way. Plenty of copper grease in here to make sure it moves freely. Unfortunately its now gone dark, so we'll fit the drop links and things later.

I've now realised that we've fitted the shocks upside down. Doh. I'll flip these around next week!

Seem to be in a situation where there are loads of unfinished things - front suspension, rear suspension, drive shaft torques, front ARB, coolant plumbing (which is now loose again) ... i guess next week needs to see some of these things finished.

Anyway, I really am off to Madrid until Monday night, so next update could well be tuesday... perhaps with an ECU?

Todays Build: 2 people, 2 hours. Total build time so far: 43 hours, 65 man-hours.